Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Addition Rice is the best

I do not think that the term 'mixed rice' for nasi campur is really accurate since mixed rice means a mixture of rice which means (to me) a mixture of different type of rice for example brown rice+white rice so I will call nasi campur, 'addition rice'. So here is my comparison of my fav food with McD.

Why addition rice is better than McD.

1. Cheaper- For a person who dont like to spend much on food but wants to get really full like me, rice+chicken+sayur+ice tea (RM5) is definitely a superb bargain compared to Burger+fries+coke (RM10).

2. Variety- If I dont want to eat rice+fried chicken I can choose other things like fish, meat, and also a lot of additional food like minced chilli+ salty egg. Whereas for McD, the variety is very limited. Maybe you can add sundae but it doesnt change the taste of the burger becoz sundae eaten with burger will taste horrible.

3.Fat content- no need to explain.

4. MAKES ME FULL- the objective of eating for me is to get rid of hunger. I never feel full eating McD. Someone with big appetite like me would just eat a Value Meal in 1.5 minutes because it's so easy to eat.

I LOVE U, addition rice. Plz never get extinct coz i like to eat u...^^


  1. couldn't agree more. try eating mee maggi for 5 days straight without eating any servings of rice...just'll go crazy man.

    my life was never quite the same again after that episodes.

  2. sedapnye nasik tuh..lapo2..ayam goreng..!

  3. oh nice!! itu gambar dari google...macam dari indonesian restaurant style nasik

  4. taruk ar gmbr nasi padang kluang parade..

  5. moonshin, no human can eat 5 maggi for 5 days.

    Ms.A, lapo? Makan laaa... nyam nyammmm...

    Mr.Quek, ya ka? I oso dunno...

    Mr.B, belikan aku digicam high megapixel dulu ar.. takkan pakai handphone noob aku...
