Sunday, June 28, 2009

Playa Got Game? Timeline

What a Saturday for me.... :D.... Hmmm... so much info in my head... where to start? Where to start. OK.... I decided to join this event becoz I am a gamer and really never went to any gaming competition and see if I am really pro or just 'pro village' (jaguh kampung).

So... I heard from the radio that there is a Sony PS game at e@curve so since I know the place and nothing to do on that Saturday anyway I entered. Here is the timeline of Alfonso Gopal's adventure...

26th June 2009
11am- Started feeling nervous, thinking about how nervous it will be playing game in front a lot of ppl. Thinking how embarassing it is if it turns out that I am not actually as pro as I think I am and will get destroyed 8-0 in Winning Eleven by super-pros

11.30am-Sleep. Nightmares.

4am-Woke up. Didnt have a good sleep. Felt dizzy. Got ready Rafa Nadal style. Wanted to try Roger style but I cant be as cool as him so I try Rafa style by saying 'Vamos!' and summoning all the cow-spirit I have

5am-Drove to Damansara. Prayed that I will have a good time and win!!

7am-Breakfast. Other people eat normal breakfast. I ordered Fried Rice with extra rice so that I will not be hungry in the 24-hour marathon event

9am-Parked and walked to the Curve and saw the place. 4 PS3 are there in a line with 4 games: Guitar Hero, Winning Eleven 10, Street Fighter Latest Edition, NFS Pro Street

930am- Made friends with a guy I will refer to here as Mr.Noob becoz he is noob but think he is pro. Made friends with about 5 more guys. Registered and got free t-shirt. 1st place:RM10,000 2nd place: RM1,000. Spirits a lil bit down becoz no way I am going to be 2nd in Tekken 5 game.

10-12pm- Played games with the ppl there to kill time. Played Winning Eleven 10 on PS3 for the first time in my life and the game speed is freaking slow. Lost 2-0 to a young Indian boy who have PS3 at home.

12 pm-3pm - 1st round start. WON 1st round against a noob player. No sweat. DJ HoneyMadu came and also DJ Hafiz and DJ Basil. Played more WE10 games to test my skills against the pros there and got beaten 1-0 2 times (Not bad since this is 1st time I play it on PS3 and the boys there are pros) and then drew 3 times (0-0)

The noob thing is we play Tekken 5 for 5 minutes and the rest of the time is just playing games with the ppl there and socializing. Mr.Noob lost his 1st round and waited for lucky draw at 3pm. Mr.Noob lost and said to me, ' You can win this RM10,000, Tekken 5 is the easiest game ever created. Just pressed the button bla bla...' . I said in my head,'If the game is so easy, why did you lose, Mr.Noob'

3pm-Lucky Draw. Wasnt Lucky. Damn-mother-o

3.10pm-6pm- Doing the same thing as 12pm-3pm. NOOB.. Start feel hungry. My friend, Mr.S accidentaly met me there and treat me with RM9 orange drink which is super-sour. Better I drink rm1.50 ice tea at mamak stall than this crap.

6pm- Decided to go away from the place becoz too tired and need to pray. Parked car at a quiet place and slept in car for 30 minutes and eat addition rice aggresively.

8pm-went back. played 2nd round and WON. Played more WE10 and was owning this group of chinese boys who kept on challeging me becoz I beat them and after beating the noob ones, lost to the Shaolin leader of the group 2-0. They all celebrated like they won World Cup. Whateverrr....

9pm-2nd Lucky Draw. Not lucky again... Damnit

10pm- Challenged a DJ in a game and won RM100. Finally got something.

12pm- DJ announced that the 3rd round is at 1am. I am already seeing Koha saying 'Koh-harrr' and her twin also came. WHat the f*ck. This is not real. Koha doesnt have twin!!!... Head spinning... Too much games.... Body automatic go to car although mind still want to win the money.

1am-Reached home and slept. Dunno what happened to the tournament.

Conclusion: Playing against the people there, I think my level is not so far from them. Maybe the real pros didnt come and this is not really a game competition and more of a social event but I am happy to join this and will join event like this in the future. Satisfied with RM100 and free T-shirt. Next time I will remember to sleep well before an energy-draining event like this.



  1. akhirnya, dah lama taknampak your update keluar dekat dashboard. haha.

    dah tukar background meh?sooo bright.+_+

  2. :D... Thanks... I think I am happier now so I need to change the mood of the blog.
