I am a game addict. I like winning, I hate losing. Sometimes people call me childish because of this. Well, it's just the way I am. I think if it's a game, it's only a game. I take the game seriously and have fun winning but sometimes if I lose, I tension but I will realize that it is only a game.
Since I am having problem getting my mind focused on studying since it is only the 3rd week at Uni, I have a lot of time. Maybe this the 3-day no-class combo of Friday+Saturday+Sunday this week should be used to learn everything in advance and also doing some projects but I am just not full speed yet.
Anyway, I spend my free time playing Yahoo!Chess now replacing DOTA as it costs less to play Yahoo!Chess. My record is quite good, 60 wins 110 losses for a noob like me.
I learned a few tricks but something that makes me a lil bit tension is when I am destroying an opponent and then got checkmated. This is an age-old thing in games. OVERCONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE can lead to your doom.
I think I have lost about 15 games like this and usually these kind of games is what makes me stop playing for the day. It happened to me quite frequently lately like yesterday, I had an advantage of 2 knights and 1 bishop and about 3 pawns but still lost becoz I used castling and didn't open the pawns so my king got trapped and I made the mistake of challenging the rook of my enemies which was covered by another rook and then got CHECKMATED.
Haiyaaaa... these type of games really breaks my confidence and EGO. It is like:
1) Missing a head shot from 2cm range using NightHawk because you are too excited
2) got free tickets for a Gold Class in GSC but can't watch it because left the tickets at home
3) Koharu calling from Japan saying she likes you but dumped you because you arrive for 1st date 1 hour late due to too much dreaming
All in all, I still love this game because it is like DOTA without all the special effects and ownage. The sweet taste of victory is the same and the losses hurt as much.
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