Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fundamentals of Amoi SFAS103

Nope, right pic is not my new gf... LOL... It is Ms. Erika Toda from noob drama, Liar Game which is given by Mr.B who took from Mr.J. Now I understand why Mr.J have this drama. This drama is like SAW which is Mr.J likes.. Damn-mother-o.... I watched 15 minutes and I stopped watching becoz I hate this kind of storyline... Zzzzz... Even the super-cute Yajima Erika Maimi Toda cant make me watch this... Sorry, Erika...

Anyway, my quest to get girl still unsuccessful. My recent target is weird. Maybe this is Law of ATTRACTION which I learnt back then..

'If you give a positive vibe into the world, you will ATTRACT positive vibe from the world' -Mr.Retard from Law Of Attraction video.

.....So in my case, I give WEIRD vibe so what I attract is WEIRD girls... Damn-father-of-Alfonso...

Here is why this girl is weird:-

1) Everytime I SMS her, she is at home but when I ask her out, she will wait 3 hours to reply and say she is going to Sis's home or Mom's home or Gopal's home

2) Just now she SMS me asked me where I am, what I do, then when I ask her out, again she said she's going to sis'home or Mom's home or Gopal's home

3) I hate Gopal... (non-existant person, sorry to any Gopals who think I refer to him)

Maybe I should wait semester start to find new target... Beware fresh female undergraduate 2009/2010 of UM!!!! Que-daichi is coming to get you!!!


  1. hohoh..i have the feeling that this girl is not suit for u..she's not

  2. goooooooood luck to u bro!

    hahahahahah...make sure you give out the right vibe this time.

  3. Mr.B, I am in hantam-tembak mode

    Moonshin, haha... thanks!!

  4. hantam-tembak xpe..jgn langgar-lari..

  5. Blur, pehh, biler maser aku langgar lari? Tak pernah aku jadik playboy seyy...

  6. so how new sem??are there any koha-look-alike target??

  7. Dunno yet. Not yet meet all... But a lot of cute tudung girls...
