You know when u always lose, you probably develop a symptom most probably be diagnosed as having a disease called uselosser-ism (useless+loser+ism). So, recently I embarked in an event called Brooks Half Marathon 2012 which altho I was initially 'very eager' to participate due to the fun-filled experiences of past events that I precipitated (err this is chemical term.. typo alert).
When Masta Obi-Wan (my fren who is the ascendent masta of Masta Yoda (founder of Kluang Slow Runners) in running.. LOL) asked me to make the leap from 10km to 21km with the encouragement that the cutoff time is 'just 4 hours'. Since I had 2 months, I thought,'why not?'.
Well, why not I will be able to train enuff to be confidently striding along the 21km course and finish it with glory? But after 1 month, it's more like, ' why not I become lazy to train becoz still have 1 month?'... ><'. Ok 1 month left to go, I thought why not in 1month I train enuff to be confidently striding along the 21km course and finish it with glory? (cut-paste from above). But after 3 weeks, it became more like 'what the f*** did I do in 3 weeks to prepare my self for this?'
So left 1 week, still I am too lazy, and it rained all the time coupled with me waking up late to train, I ended up going there with probably 5 training sessions in 3 weeks and none for the last 7 days.
So, I start to feel anxious and feel nervous that I will be a DNF-ian (did not finish idiot who probably should have taken 5km instead of 21km) for this race. Altho' there's really nothing much at stake. I am not LCW (Lee Chong Wei), I dont need to win this to get a gold medal for my country, I am just a LCW (Loser CoW). It's just the Rm65 paid for the entry fee and other costs will be a waste if I don't use this opportunity to gain some confidence and pride to face life.
Ok, so we arrived late to the event becoz everyone woke on time but did not start the engine to Bukit Jalil. So, me, Masta Obi, fellow jedi Slay started running. We were all late for about 30 minutes and no one was in front of us. There was 1 person behind us and it was our friend Piccolo from Dragon Ball who used weights on his leg to train and skipped past us like a space shuttle and was never seen again .
So there I was, running not only with no confidence but also the heavy thought that so many ppl are in front of me. After 7 km, me and jedi Slay stopped to pray Subuh and after that jedi Slay disappeared in front of me. and I saw runners going down the slope the opposite direction. I was so Last... I thought about just walking the last 14km and my legs were feeling heavy.
But then suddenly, one Apek who was the track people making sure ppl follow the right route shouted at me, 'Come on, don't walk, run boy run'. So I just ran coz I was embarrassed that I was walking in this running event and suddenly, I felt that my legs were not tired and it is all just the main enemy which was 'THE WALL' that Masta Yoda has warned me all this time.
So suddenly I thought of tennis player Rafael Nadal, the guy is not as talented as Roger Federer but what he says is that ' I always believe in one more ball, 1 more ball until the match is over'. So I just talked to myself, 'Overtake 1 more person, 1 more person'. My goal was just to overtake 1 person in front of me altho the person overtook me again when I walked.
To my surprise, I managed to see jedi Slay again who I didn't see for 30 minutes and altho in the end he finished half a stadium lap in front of me, I feel very thankful that I found the Asspicker inside of me.
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