Friday, July 6, 2012

Celine joins the table.
Tigz joins the table.
Helen joins the table.
Dan joins the table.
12:53 PM
Dan: gl all
Tigz: ty u2
Celine: shut up
Kunal joins the table.
Helen: ty u 2
Dan: go to bed
Tigz bought Helen a cup of Coffee
Socorro joins the table.
Helen: looks lke she just woke up
Tigz bought Jenny a cup of Coffee
Helen: tyt
Jenny: tq..
Celine: shut up helen, u whor e
Tigz: npz
Helen: wat a pottymouth
Dan: celine are you a crack add
Celine: ur the pothead slu t here
Helen: have a nice ay
Helen: nh t
Celine: apparently ur face never had a nice day, Helen
Jenny bought Tigz a glass of Chateau Z
Helen: talk s h it yu look like it
Dan: did you think of that nall by your self
Helen: loser
Tigz: ding ding 2nds out round 2 :P
Kunal left the table.
Helen: ok sorry to veryone but that thing
Celine: only 1 person would ever say ur prettier than me and that is urself lol
Helen: ok
Celine: what an old hag
Dan: my dogs preeter than you and hes drad
Wilmar left the table.
12:58 PM
Helen: nh
Celine: tell that to my 5 bfs
Tigz: 5......
Celine: apparently dan ur mentally retarded
Dan: you mean pimp
Helen: an whos the ***** guss u showe us
Celine: sorry dan,i know u never get laid so dont drag me into thus
Helen: oh u give it awaythat a s lut
Celine: i know u only pay for sex
Helen: he pays u gieit lol
Celine: and helen is ur regular who re
Helen: nh
Dan: yheres not enough beer to get me in bed with you
Celine: they say only sh!t loves sh!t and that goes for you two
Celine: granny helen and virgin dan
Helen: top all
Socorro left the table.
Celine: helen's cheering for her regular customer
01:03 PM
Celine: hahahaha
Helen left the table.
Celine: take that
Tigz: poker any1 lol
Celine: shut up who re
Tigz: do what i want who the hell r u
Celine: of coz no1 gonna ask u to stop sh!tting 
Dan: celine act your age3 not your i/q
Celine: u can also continue eating ur sh!t
Tigz: no1s asking you either
Tigz: well said
Celine: dan wake me up whne you ever ge laid ok
Celine: u retarded hippie
01:09 PM
Dan: if you was the ast fem alive id die
Celine: and tigz stop sucking dan's co ck
Tigz: gotta love the mute buttone :D
Celine: i'll die first becoz your too stupid
Tigz: youll die of aids more like
Dan: hay tigz 
Tigz: wat
Celine: u'll die coz u drink too much men's semen, tigz
Celine: dan and tigz getting it on 
Celine: woooo
Dan: bitc h please shut up
Celine: ur mum need to shut her hole 1st from producing degenerates like u
Tigz: just mute her 
Dan: thanks for got about that
Tigz: npz ...
Dan: gg
Dan left the table.

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