Sunday, June 14, 2009

Being CooL is Funny

I always thought David Coruso's Horatio in CSI: Miami is super-cool. He always give implosive statements to criminals at the end of the show and makes the criminal feel super-bad with his one liners.

One of the dialogues that I remember is;
Criminal: Won't you feel disappointed if the boy you took care of act like that?
Horatio: Life, Mr. Criminal, (put on sunglasses) is full of disappointment (walks away)

Wow, that is really owning there. But I like when Jim Carey make an impersonation about it and even funnier is when Paul (David letterman's show band conductor) impersonate the scream you hear at the start of every episode of CSI:Miami. LOL....


  1. new should resize it a bit..

  2. damn motha o beauty blog like niagara waterfall

  3. Blur, mmg kena resize tapi malas..

    Jon, beautiful like koha...:P
