Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sleepiness Factor

Following the same routine everyday makes me sleepy at 930pm and I am KO at 10.00pm. Then I will wake up at 5am and start the same routine.

I wonder why I feel sleepy so fast. Maybe the factors are:-

a) Heat wave- My housemate said that now there is a heat wave which explains why it is so hot in the afternoon

b) Traffic Jams- having to mentally focus all the time on the road where cars are coming from almost every direction and overtaking at the right time is like solving math problems

c) Eating a lot - having more money means eating a lot and also drinking too much Ice Tea

d) Hanging out- talking to new people almost all the time is culture shock for a geek like me

e) DOTA- Compulsory 4-hours of DOTA every 3 days drains my brain power

f) Love?- In 'love' with a girl but still early stages is mental-draining for me too especially when SMS takes a lot of thinking on writing the right words... Sucks...



  1. heat wave came from torres.. op typo el nino. elnino is noob

  2. LOL.. Ronaldo is not noob becoz he goes to Real Madrid ... :p
