Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teddy BeaR? WHAT THE F!!!!

My tenant,Mr. Micheal Chong came to my apartment and gave me some things that are left by the SRI KDU students who all went back home after finishing exams.

He said, 'I'll give it to u since you are so keep the house neat and clean'. Yeah, of coz it's clean. All the mess is in my room not the living room and I always lock it so there's no way he can see the horror show inside of the room.

So there are many weird things that this kids left which I dunno will be useful to me or not. Let's see.

Things that they left:-

1) Plates,Pots,Tupperwares and Cups - Now all I need is a WIFE to cook for me..

2) Towels, Curtains - I can use the towels to wipe my butt since I have one for wiping my face and another to wipe my whole body after shower. What the f am I gonna do with a curtain? No idea.

3) A Black Bag - I initially thought that this is a new bag and they must have got it from some event(my dad has thousands of these type of bags) and left it but I was surprised that there is a teddy bear inside it.

So, for any readers who wants to buy it (It looks like the teddy bears in the picture but only 1), you can leave comment that you want it. RM25 is my price but is extremely negotiable especially for girls will even better chance to get it lower.

P.S. I should sell it in mudah.com.my but maybe later. I dunno what I can use a teddy bear for.. It's a useless thing to me.


  1. maybe someone will buy it if you put a nike tag on it..lol..

  2. Cute neighbour bought it for rm10. Sucks. Kena black magic oleh kawaiiness..

  3. sold already? the neighbour read this post eh? ke bukak table kat depan rumah jual tedi.XD

  4. Carik point borak ngan jiran, tgk2 dier nk beli and termakan pujuk rayu... RUGI!!!

  5. ??? Watching NBA finals tomorrow morning.. ^^

  6. weh q ko da tgk regatta lom??
    mamat kotarou lagi..watak die dlm drama tu->>ogawa makoto..hahah..

  7. wei bengong... ko dh gian drama ker aper? WTF man...

  8. apa la u...can give ur awek
