Sunday, July 5, 2009

Innovative Parking

Sometimes I feel like the gap of innovative and creative ideas between Malaysians and the Japanese or the Germans in car industry is really big. Well, it is true that we are behind in car-making and also almost every component of the car-industry but don'worry, fellas. There's one aspect in the car industry that Malaysians are way ahead : car parking.

Yup... When the amount of cars in Kuala Lumpur is more than the parking spaces provided in the HOT places, we will see a lot of double-parking and I once saw a triple-parking bonanza during a Friday prayer.

But hey, that's what you do when you can't get a parking and you are too LAZY to park far and walk a bit to burn a lil bit of fat out of your bulging fat stomach full of Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng.

But what I am gonna show you is a new level of parking. Nope. Never seen anything like it. Maybe I am not a lifetime KL citizen so maybe this is too shocking for me.

I was going out to buy some drinks at about 4am and a car is parked in front of me. I pressed the horn about 10 times ( the last time the longest) and no one came out. DAMN. This guy must me lacking hondacivic-awareness. F*cking @$$hole parked in front of me and blocked my car. What if there's an emergency.

I saw that he left a little gap and I tried getting out for about 15 minutes and failed. It's too close. I was getting more and more thirsty thinking of how to solve this problem.

After about 25 minutes there at 4am, I thought, 'maybe i could push this car a bit'... So I tried pushing it without any hope. IT MOVED!!!!! GUESS WHAT!!! The guy didn't put HANDBRAKE!!!

WTF!!! This is mind-boggling!!! Genius!!! How come I never think of that??!!! And the fact that it is so close to a hill!!! This guy is a genius!!! He knows Mike Tyson is not living here so there's no way anyone could accidentally pushed too hard and send his car down the hill!!!

CLAP CLAP CLAP!!! This is evidence that Malaysia is the best in car-parking!!


  1. hahaha..i did that once..but not at public place la..

  2. hermn...there you go. the first advantages of using public transportation - no need for parking =)

    the one and only....i guess. huhuhuhuhuh....

  3. Mr.B, ye ke? Biar betoi? Saper bagik ko idea neh?

    Moonshin, sigh... the waiting time for public transport is what I hate..

  4. sabar2.. that's why la he didn't put the that u can pull or push the car. well, in my skool, there's always 3 layer parking! and i'm always at the second layer.. just wait the car owner come or try smarter how to exit.. and the result is i got the skill how to reverse my car!

  5. yeah, that sucks big time!

    try boarding onto one - LRT, KTM, bus or whatever - during peak hours...all kinds of people 'sandwished' and 'rojaked' into one place...with varieties of 'smell' attacking from all sides... it's pure horror, i tell ya!

  6. aku paking kt umah akak aku..xkan la nk paking kt luar plak kn.. mampos ilang keter akak aku kang..hahah..kt flat2 mmg normal ler bnde in public aku rase mmg kurang patot la..yg patotnyer ko tolak keter tu jauh2 pastu place a note "oops, terlebey suda..."..hahahhah..

  7. Ms.A,.... Haha... biar betoi 3 layer... Gilor... Sampai kena w8 owner to come... Mampos

    Moonshin, yup... there were days when I had to take public transport. I always choose non-peak hours to travel to avoid the smell.

    Mr.B, Klu aku tolak kete tuh lagik sikit dh jatuh bukit dah... Kena letak note ,'Oppsss, hancur suda'.

  8. betul.. 3 layer, .. sape kt layer 1st ng second memang standby je la balik lmbat..rapat2 lak tuh.. sekolah aku memang sesak.. biase je ari2 tepon owner alihkan kete..xpon berjanggut la ko tggu cgu2 ni balik xtentu masa..hahaha.

  9. Dlm situasi cmtuh Mr.J is the winner sebab dier naek moto... hahahah

  10. btol ckp q..bli moto la ain..cb4 vtec ker..heheh..

  11. Takyah lar beli moto, beli basikal sudah... LOL
