But really, the past 4 days has reminded me why I always go against authority. Why? Coz incidentally, i have been in touch with authority for 3 friggin' times in the last 4 days!!!! Same number of times I had problems with authority in a year!!
Incident 1: Getting summoned for parking at the side of the road at Jalan Pudu (26th July 2009)
Went to pick up my fren who was happily eating KFC when I told him that I am going to be there in like 20 minutes. I underestimated my knowledge on the KL roads and did not got lost and arrived in 15 minutes but didnt see him anywhere outside and since there were so many cars behind me, I parked beside the road. Went into the KFC and asked my fren to go out for 5 minutes only to get a RM100 ticket which I don't know when I am going to pay. DAMN!!!
Incident 2: Stopped by a police for going against the One-Way Street in Bandar Baru Ampang (28th July 2009)
Went to get a RM7-carwash and also check the car's timing belt at my trusted mechanic. There was a night market and I was trying to avoid traffic so I went against the one-way road right in from of the traffic police who was monitoring traffic there. I assumed that they were too busy controlling the traffic but was proved wrong when a policemen riding a motorcycle came and asked me for my IC. 'You are chinese muslim, huh?'.... Zzzzz.... Nubrant.... Sweettalked him and also put on my innocent face and luckily I didn't get summoned... PHEW!!!
Incident 3: Getting stopped by Ops Car Sticker in my university(29th July 2009)
Went to Uni as usual and was shocked that there was a traffic jam inside the uni only to realize that it is an Ops-Check-Your-Car-Sticker-Got-Or-Not?. OK. I thought that may just let me pass if I show that I have a matrics card. Wrong move. They are actually looking for students who don't have car sticker. DAMN!!..
UM Officer (UMO): Do you live inside or outside?
Me: Outside. Trying to apply inside.
UMO: You realize that any car that goes through the gate needs to have a sticker?
Me: Errr... But I live outside (What's the point of she asking whether I stay outside or inside earlier?)
UMO: No. You should have one when you breathe the air inside the UM.
Me: Owhh.. OK.. Sorry miss but my seniors all had cars with no sticker and they stay inside. Does that mean that if I stay inside, I don't need to have a car sticker?
UMO: R u trying to be funny, kid? Or r u trying to say that we are not doing our job?
Me: No, miss. I was just saying that my seniors are the one to blame for me not knowing that I need a car sticker. (Making innocent face)
UMO: We will get them who dont have car stickers, since you seem to complain why we didn't catch your seniors, I think I am gonna fine you rm20
Me: Errrr... (Making Blur face)... But this is my first time, miss...
UMO: You seem like a student who have no intiative and awareness, did you not check the online website
Me: Sorry, miss. I will try to be more more 'initiative and awareness' next time and check the Umisisweb
UMO: Wow, so you know the website address, huh? (Sarcastic) OK you can go and apply it online, if I see you again, i'll definitely fine you (getting tired talking to me)
Me: Thanks maam... Sorry..
Sucks.. I hate authority...Zzzzz
nubrantos..go mandi bunga la..heheh..
ReplyDeletethe UMO is so garang. even dia senyum macam emma roberts pun dia tetap garang to me.;D
ReplyDeletewooo....(moonshin is at lost for words to say, but she pity you though.
ReplyDeleteBlurby, ari2 aku mandi guna sabun wangian bunga... :D
ReplyDeletelivb, if an officer can smile and be garang at the same time, then I will faint out of horror.
moonshin, haha.. Shit happens..
it`s like an `authority' summoned u when u play dota, it`s painful, i knew and felt sorry
ReplyDeleteAnnoying Authority, you are... =.='
ReplyDeletenoob you are- masterji yoda