Friday, July 30, 2010

Good Vs Evil

I realized that during the day when my mind is occupied by more rationale stuff, I am in my normal mode and then when night comes and my eternal loneliness will creep in (this loneliness is largely due to the fact that I do not have anyone who is truly in my orbit and only God knows what position i'm in), that is when the evil side appears.

yes, the side that hungers for lust, gluttony, envy and pride. Yes. This dark side shows up and i become a totally different person.

it's battling, these two sides, and I really hope the good, rationale side will eventually win...

1 comment:

  1. must there b a battle? can't u find a center or some peace between your two extremes? nobody's just 'good' all the time. dats impossible...recognize the different shades of grey. in my case, i'll be a bitch when the situation calls for me to be one..ahahaha...i'll punch on steel pole in the bus...give people the finger...i'm not ashamed. i always tell my students to feel free to be who they really should do to... your 'person' will come along soon.
